
Beyond the Rockstar Paradigm, Part II

By April 27, 2015

Years ago, I blogged that social movement leadership needed to live into models that do not solely hinge on a single, visionary, rockstar leader. One of TWI’s core partners, Building Movement Project, recently shared some key learning about their commitment to co-leadership.  Many of the points Frances makes resonate strongly with us, in particular the…

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Funders, Bathroom Stalls, and Hegemony: Reflections on a Missed Opportunity to Build Trust

By April 20, 2015

Last week I gathered up TWI’s NYC-based grantees, a couple of funder colleagues, and a couple of consultant friends for a conversation about trust-based grant-making.  I followed many of my own rules, and intentionally stacked the group with mainly women of color leaders and practitioners – folks whose approaches to transforming inequalities were based in…

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The Promise and Potential of Place-Based Leadership Programs

By April 2, 2015

[This post was first published on NCRP’s blog] Photo courtesy of LeaderSpring. By Cynthia A. Chavez Editor’s Note: This piece is the third in a series featuring leadership development experts on the value they’ve found in NCRP’s new report,Cultivating Nonprofit Leadership: A (Missed?) Philanthropic Opportunity. For past posts, click here. In the early 1990s, I had an…

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Beyond The Bounded Grounds

By April 1, 2015

How can I take my “retreat self” home, to live & breathe beyond the bounded grassy grounds of the retreat center? I’ve just returned from the IDEX Academy, which brought a globally sourced faculty together with U.S. based donors/philanthropists to cultivate creative, collaborative, culturally competent ways to up-end inequality through giving (locally and globally). During our last…

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Giving People Access to Choice

By March 19, 2015

When the goal is building a bridge between social justice and finance, work has to happen on both sides; this is the practice of the Transform Finance Institute for Social Justice Leaders Conference, which I attended this past weekend. Held at Oakland’s Community Bank of The Bay, this year’s conference-the second ever-included leaders from nonprofits…

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