30 Days of Recipes
Our partners at IDEX have found a perfect marriage between values for equity and recipes to warm the soul this season. Check out and try out these amazing dishes that come with stories of solidarity from all over the globe.
What is your recipe for social change?
Over the last 30 years, IDEX has learned that local leadership is the key ingredient in building transformative, long-lasting solutions in the Global South.
And YOU are the key ingredient to supporting the people on the ground who are transforming their nations and neighborhoods!
Join IDEX for #GivingTuesday, when people around the world are coming together for one common purpose: to celebrate and encouraging giving.
Give to IDEX. Invest in local solutions!
Food engages us with the wider world around us—our interconnectedness to the earth, the farmers that grow our food, and to each other as we gather around the table. In honor of IDEX’s 30th anniversary, during the entire month of November, we shared a recipe each day connected to and inspired by IDEX partners, staff, and supporters like you!!
Simply click on the graphics below to reveal the recipes!
We invite you to try new recipes from our collection and share them with your loved ones! Below you can also share your own recipes that change the world. We just might share them!
November 30th