
Social Innovation and Democracy

By February 22, 2010

by John Esterle The Deliberative Democracy Consortium and The Democracy Imperative have released a thoughtful, comprehensive report on the conference they hosted in New Hampshire this past July. Having attended that gathering, I appreciate the effort to synthesize what was learned and to share some things that have happened since. It’s worth checking out. The…

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Social Media Storytelling: Seeing and Thinking Differently

By October 7, 2009

By John Esterle Continuing the thread about the power of stories, check out Kari Dunn Saratovsky’s brief interview with Mark Horvath on the Social Citizens blog at The Case Foundation. It offers a brief, compelling, primer of how social media can be a powerful storytelling tool to make the invisible visible (in this case homelessness)….

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Inside Stories

By September 28, 2009

By John Esterle It seems more and more of us in the public benefit sector are thinking and talking about the power of stories to connect and inform, to spark dialogue and action, to shift perspectives and policy. And with this talk comes familiar questions: How do we tell our story? How do we get…

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