Pia Infante

Standing With Immigrants & Refugees

By February 6, 2017

We are proud to be a part of a group of over 50 foundations standing with immigrants and refugees.  The joint statement, put forth by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrant and Refugee Rights, reads as follows: The United States stands at a historic crossroads. Founded as a refuge from religious persecution and built by generations of immigrants, our country…

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In the Direction of Courage

By November 10, 2016

Eyes Wide Shudder It is with an anguished heart and clear eyes that I write this. The difference in our historical context between Tuesday morning and today is stark and sobering. The real cost of this election outcome will fall disproportionately on the undocumented immigrants, muslims, blacks, women, queer, and poor people scapegoated in this campaign…

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Trust As A Starting Point

By October 21, 2016

What if we as funders started with trust, instead of making potential partners “earn” it?  Vu Le starts our sibling blog posts today by questioning the assumption that grant seekers need to prove their basic trustworthiness to funders. Indeed, up-ending this premise has been inherent in TWI’s approach since we started making grants. TWI’s 9 Practices…

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Racial Justice Resources for Funders (A Compendium for Now)

By July 15, 2016

Today’s headlines continue to painfully reveal the twin legacies of racism and economic inequality in this country for a global audience, as innocent men, women, and children (black, latino, native, trans) lose their lives.  Perhaps you, like me, are fiercely activated to expand and deepen both understanding and action.  I ask myself every day:  What am I doing…

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What is A Restorative Philanthropy?

By July 1, 2016

The idea of restorative philanthropy was provoked for me at ivoh’s Restorative Narrative Colloquium last weekend. Restorative Narrative is an approach to storytelling (e.g. journalistic, documentary, etc.) that walks with a place or community over time, usually after a tragedy, to show how rebuilding and restoration are emerging. It contrasts (in both content and process)…

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