
The Tactics of Trust

By December 10, 2015

This article was first published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. We wanted to repost this article because we like how it walks people through the processes they use and how they are linking trust with impact. Participants in a large, complex collaboration can build a capacity for finding common ground—and it doesn’t have to take…

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Privilege and Power in Funding Dynamics

By October 21, 2015

Trust-based relationships. Grantee-centric philanthropy. True partnerships that advance impact for communities. How do we together improve the efficiency, respectfulness, and outcomes of our sector?   Recently Jane Leu (previous Peery Foundation grantee, founder of several social ventures and prolific fund raiser), and I hosted a workshop for funders and fund raisers to discuss the funding/fund raising interaction…

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To Listen Much More Closely

By September 4, 2015

I appreciated Paul Shoemaker’s recent article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy entitled “How to Rebuild Philanthropy’s Ability to Change the World” so much that I stole one of the subtitles – Listen Much More Closely to Nonprofits. One of the first of many lessons I learned as a grant-maker from my Co-Executive Director, John, is…

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Can Black Lives Matter to Philanthropy?

By September 1, 2015

The original question in the title of this article (reposted below) is “Can Philanthropy Make Black Lives Matter?”  Our reaction at TWI is that philanthropy alone probably cannot wholesale shift hundreds of years of institutional racism and prevalent cultural attitudes.  That would take an intersectional, coordinated set of movements from all sectors.  We do believe…

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