While the idea of “capturing hope” isn’t one that totally resonates with us, the idea of “work happening at the speed of trust” does. This video from Exponent Partners highlights reflections from funders on meaningful metrics – like relationship, trust building, and the kind of long term partnership that it takes to create real and…
Can love be the right metric for a billion dollar philanthropy? While this post by Suzanne Guillette seems to argue both for and against this premise – I propose that love can be a metric for authentic partnerships, particularly when power and money are involved. While we and many others in the sector have chorused that multi-year,…
We at TWI are in full agreement with Vu Le‘s recent post about 12 Things Funders Do right. In fact, many of the 12 show up on TWI’s own compendium of 9 Practices of Trust-based Investment. In a side by side comparison, it’s clear that respect, transparency, partnering in a true spirit of service, feedback…