
Beyond The Bounded Grounds

By April 1, 2015

How can I take my “retreat self” home, to live & breathe beyond the bounded grassy grounds of the retreat center? I’ve just returned from the IDEX Academy, which brought a globally sourced faculty together with U.S. based donors/philanthropists to cultivate creative, collaborative, culturally competent ways to up-end inequality through giving (locally and globally). During our last…

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Cultivating Nonprofit Leadership Webinar: Key Take-Aways

By March 25, 2015

Yesterday, NCRP hosted Cultivating Leadership in Movement Building, a webinar designed to accompany the recent release of their report, Cultivating Nonprofit Leadership: A (missed) Philanthropic Opportunity.  Ryan Schlegel, who co-authored the report, moderated and the speakers were Jodie Tonita, Pia Infante, and Taj James. Each speaker discussed why cultivating leadership in the realm of social…

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Reconstructing Philanthropy from the Outside In

By March 20, 2015

This article was originally published here A funder-to-funder take on how to create breakthrough social change. The Empire State Building is one of the seven modern wonders of the world. Yet when it was built, the most revolutionary aspect wasn’t its architecture or the height. The less-acclaimed, quantum leap was in the construction practices that…

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Giving People Access to Choice

By March 19, 2015

When the goal is building a bridge between social justice and finance, work has to happen on both sides; this is the practice of the Transform Finance Institute for Social Justice Leaders Conference, which I attended this past weekend. Held at Oakland’s Community Bank of The Bay, this year’s conference-the second ever-included leaders from nonprofits…

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The Metrics Myth

By March 10, 2015

Originally first published on the Blended Value site, written by Jed Emerson. Why Quantitative Presentation of Qualitative Value Matters Since at least the early ‘90s, those involved in the generation of more than money have been on a quest to capture the right balance between documentation of impact and claims to same. For me personally, I…

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