
A Conversation with Rajasvini Bhansali of IDEX on their 30th Anniversary

By May 19, 2015

The past weekend was IDEX‘s 30th anniversary. International Development Exchange (IDEX) is a TWI multi-year grantee and also a funding partner. Before the IDEX 30th celebration I was able to catch up with the executive director, Rajasvini Bhansali, and talk with her about IDEX’s history, their views on equity and theory of change, general operating…

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Would You Rather Be Ethical or Effective?

By May 15, 2015

At my first session at the Ashoka Future Forum called “Scaling Trust,” I witnessed again the power of story and vulnerability.  A woman of color executive director leading a movement of thousands strong asked a room full of social entrepreneurs, nonprofit executives, funders, and investors: In fundraising, why do I so often have to choose between…

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Transforming Systems Through Leadership

By May 13, 2015

  “Be harder on the structure and softer on the people.” -John Powell, Haas Institute LeaderSpring trains their leaders to work effectively within the system, and to also work on the system–making it better and more equitable. They take a holistic approach to leadership and believe it is not enough to support leaders in doing…

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Towards Trustworthiness: A Practical Application of Trust Based Investing

By May 11, 2015

In recent conversations, including a few I had while at the Council on Foundations Annual Meeting, folks have asked how to adapt TWI’s 9 Practices of Trust Based Investment in their specific contexts. One family foundation executive asked, “How do I get my 24 person multi-generation family member board, to change the grant-making practices that…

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Channelling Funds Into Baltimore When They Need It Most

By May 1, 2015

As suggested by Pia in her post on supporting emergent racial justice movements, we have previously advocated for the importance of moving quickly the time is right. While this article we are reposting problematically and racially describes Baltimore are “riot-torn” (we might reframe that as another epicenter for the struggle for human rights for black and…

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