How do we know if we’re making a difference? It’s a question that’s been in the spotlight for some time now within the nonprofit sector – and one that can be particularly challenging when it comes to assessing the impact of social issues through art and media. In her inaugural post on the beta site,…
I continue to be encouraged by the steady stream of reports and commentaries that touch on important aspects of what TWI calls trust-based investing. Yet, just in terms of actually reading everything that comes my way, that stream can sometimes feel like a flood and I can’t help but wonder: what’s really sticking with folks…
Last week I attended the Edge Funders Alliance’s Just Giving Conference. The conference this year was entitled Better, Not More Towards a Just Transition: Principles and Practices for the Next Economy. While on a process level it didn’t hit all of the points Pia highlighted in her recent post about the Art of the Un-Conference,…