
How Do We Know: Good Ideas About Creating Impact

By July 12, 2015

How do we know if we’re making a difference? It’s a question that’s been in the spotlight for some time now within the nonprofit sector – and one that can be particularly challenging when it comes to assessing the impact of social issues through art and media. In her inaugural post on the beta site,…

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Sticky Blogs & Laughing While Learning

By July 4, 2015

I continue to be encouraged by the steady stream of reports and commentaries that touch on important aspects of what TWI calls trust-based investing. Yet, just in terms of actually reading everything that comes my way, that stream can sometimes feel like a flood and I can’t help but wonder: what’s really sticking with folks…

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Challenging the Orthodoxies of Philanthropy

By June 23, 2015

This piece is a repost, published on the Stanford Social Innovation Review website and written by Gabriel Kasper & Jess Ausinheiler. Are traditional assumptions about how we “do” philanthropy preventing us from finding new and better ways of working? Success stories about social change rarely start with large guns. But, as it turns out, there’s a…

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Supporting A Bolder Form of Leadership

By June 18, 2015

I was reminded yesterday, at LeaderSpring’s A Bolder Form of Leadership luncheon, that non-profit organizations, on average, spend $29 a year on leadership development. Given how vital developing leadership is, this investment (or lack of it) is striking. In the NCRP’s report Cultivating Nonprofit Leadership, philanthropic support for leadership development is studied and found lacking….

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Better, Not More: A Reflection On My Third Edge Conference

By June 15, 2015

Last week I attended the Edge Funders Alliance’s Just Giving Conference. The conference this year was entitled Better, Not More Towards a Just Transition: Principles and Practices for the Next Economy. While on a process level it didn’t hit all of the points Pia highlighted in her recent post about the Art of the Un-Conference,…

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